Thursday, July 21, 2011

Teeth and Snot

Dear Mom,

If you were here I would be calling you daily to report about Logan's painful teething, excessive drooling, and constant sneezing. I would tell you that Logan's top four teeth are coming in, causing him a lot of pain. He's so stuffy, whether from a summer cold or the teeth, that he can't breathe without being elevated. I would call you and ask your advice... Should I put his mattress on an incline? Do I use a pillow to do that? A towel? How can I help him sleep when he can't breathe through his little nose? What should Ido since he's not eating as much because he's in pain? No, you might not have had all the answers, but you certainly put my mind at ease and calmed my new mom/first teething experience jitters.

I think about you every day. Today we went by the house to collect the mail, but other days even the smallest things can trigger a memory. I had a meeting at work with the new principal and remembered how, on my way home after work, I would call you two or three times a week during my drive home. When I was emptying the dishwasher yesterday, I put away a small dish that you had given me to use when I feed Logan his homemade baby food. I especially know that Mike was thinking about you today, as it's his 26th birthday. I know you would've called him at 12:01 a.m. and sang "Happy Birthday" over the phone. You would've ordered something online and had it sent to his apartment. Like you did on my birthdays, you'd send a birthday card with a note about how proud you are and included a little smiley face just below your signature.

I miss you, mom. I miss you so much.

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